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Stm32 Serial Flash Loader

Serial nand flash

Stm32 Flash Loader Demo

Stm32 serial flash loader download

STM32 serial flash tool with auto-reset. Burn.bin (no hex support) firmware images to STM32 microcontrollers using the built-in serial bootloader. This version automatically toggles DTR and RTS to try to auto-reset into bootloader mode.

Currently works for BOOT0 = RTS, NRST = DTR, but the flipped version is a few easy modifications away. Warning: Does not check chip ID, or binary size (to ensure it will fit in the FLASH).

Use with care!Usage $ stm32ld BuildingOn Windows (tested with Cygwin / Mingw), Mac and Linux: makeAuto-reset support, and other changes: Avik DeOriginal source author: Bogdan Marinescu.
