لعيش حياة تخالف المألوفAuthor: مارك مانسونPublisher: منشورات الرمل - دار التنويرISBN: Category:Page: 272View: 5098ظل يُقال لنا طيلة عشرات السنوات إن التفكير الإيجابي هو المفتاح إلى حياة سعيدة ثرية. لكن مارك مانسون يشتم تلك ' الإيجابية ' ويقول: ' فلنكن صادقين، السيء سيء وعلينا أن نتعايش مع هذا '. لا يتهرّب مانسون من الحقائق ولا يغفلها بالسكّر، بل يقولها لنا كما هي: جرعة من الحقيقة الفجِّة الصادقة المنعشة هي ما ينقصنا اليوم.
هذا الكتاب ترياق للذهنية التي نهدهد أنفسنا بها، ذهنية ' فلنعمل على أن يكون لدينا كلنا شعور طيب ' التي غزت المجتمع المعاصر فأفسدت جيلًا بأسره صار ينال ميداليات ذهبية لمجرد الحضور إلى المدرسة. ينصحنا مانسون بأن نعرف حدود إمكاناتنا وأن نتقبلها. وأن ندرك مخاوفنا ونواقصنا وما لسنا واثقين منه، وأن نكفّ عن التهرب والفرار من ذلك كله ونبدأ مواجهة الحقائق الموجعة، حتى نصير قادرين على العثور على ما نبحث عنه من جرأة ومثابرة وصدق ومسؤولية وتسامح وحب للمعرفة. لا يستطيع كل شخص أن يكون متميزًا متفوقًا. ففي المجتمع ناجحين وفاشلين؛ وقسم من هذا الواقع ليس عادلًا وليس نتيجة غلطتك أنت. وصحيح أن المال شيء حسن، لكن اهتمامك بما تفعله بحياتك أحسن كثيرًا؛ فالتجربة هي الثروة الحقيقية. إنها لحظة حديث حقيقي صادق لشخص يمسكك من كتفيك وينظر في عينيك.
هذا الكتاب صفعة ' منعشة لهذا الجيل حتى تساعده في عيش حياة راضية مستقرة. Author: Project Management InstitutePublisher: Project Management InstituteISBN: 008Category: Business & EconomicsPage: 587View: 6124A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) Fifth Edition reflects the collaboration and knowledge of working project managers and provides the fundamentals of project management as they apply to a wide range of projects. This internationally recognized standard gives project managers the essential tools to practice project management and deliver organizational results. A 10th Knowledge Area has been added; Project Stakeholder Management expands upon the importance of appropriately engaging project stakeholders in key decisions and activities. Project data information and information flow have been redefined to bring greater consistency and be more aligned with the Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom (DIKW) model used in the field of Knowledge Management. Four new planning processes have been added: Plan Scope Management, Plan Schedule Management, Plan Cost Management and Plan Stakeholder Management: These were created to reinforce the concept that eac. Author: Zheng, RobertPublisher: IGI GlobalISBN: Category: EducationPage: 391View: 9387When facilitating high-quality education, using digital technology to personalize students' learning is a focus in the development of instruction.
There is a need to unify the multifaceted directions in personalized learning by presenting a coherent and organized vision in the design of personalized learning using digital technology. Digital Technologies and Instructional Design for Personalized Learning is a critical scholarly resource that highlights the theories, principles, and learning strategies in personalized learning with digital technology. Featuring coverage on a broad range of topics, such as collaborative learning, instructional design, and computer-supported collaborative learning, this book is geared towards educators, professionals, school administrators, academicians, researchers, and students seeking current research on the area of personalized learning with digital technology.
Alex Marshall is a marketeer, web developer and designer. He also likes retro technology, classic cars and in his spare time enjoys travelling. Top 8 IDEs for Programmers, Coders and Beginners on the Raspberry PiDecember 24, 2014 4 min readAt we spend a lot of our time developing, and. Recently we have been getting involved in the Java and Programming community to try to pass on those coding skills to the next generation of developers. Download windows xp iso from microsoft. Such as when we were attendees at.For me I think the Raspberry Pi is a really good way of getting into programming especially if you are a newbie like me and want to learn about programming and the different programming languages.
If you are considering it as a gift for Christmas or birthday, it is well worth the purchase and it is especially good if you want to get your child, niece, nephew or yourself into programming. So what is the Raspberry Pi? Raspberry Pi – the coolest thing to own!It is an extremely small credit-card sized computer that can be plugged into your TV and a standard PC keyboard.
It is cheap and uses little power so it is ideal for embedded projects.A lot of people have been able to utilize the Pi for variety of projects from easy things for children to make too more complex things and for those with more advance skills it can be made to be like a desktop PC doing spreadsheets, word-processing and playing games. It can also play high-definition video. What are the best IDE’s for the Raspberry Pi?If you are getting into programming then the first thing to do is to get yourself an IDE (Integrated Development Environment). You need to write code to make your Pi do things and an IDE is a tool to write, test and run code. The Pi supports lots of different languages to write your code so there is a wide choice.Here are my top eight IDE’s that you can run from a Raspberry Pi.BlueJ is an integrated development environment (IDE) mainly used for programming in the Java language.
It was primarily developed for educational purposes and useful for small-scale development. 28.3.2016Hello,I am not too keen on IDE’s running on the RPi, much preferring to develop on a Windows/Linux machine and the remote debug. However, in my case, this lead to a multitude of various IDE’s.C/C on VS 2015 using the Addon VisualDBG; Java on Netbeans and Java 8 ME and finallyPython (I prefer version 3.5) using WINGIDE 5.1 (Professional and Personal versions are not free, the 101 is). I use the Python from Anaconda which has numpy.Working WINGIDE with Pi is a bit involved but I hear that the next version simplifies the procedure.I have not tried Pycharm from Jetbrain yet.But a unified remote IDE running on the Windows/Linux for multiple languages for the RPi would be heaven. David,I am trying to get Greenfoot Java to run on a Rasberry PI 3 B with official 7″ PI touch screen.
However, the screen is limited to 800 x 480 pixels and the version of Greenfoot distributed with the 2017-02-03-Jessie-with pixel seems to assume that it is running on a much larger screen. It is fine if I connect an external HDMI HD monitor. Do you where the screen size parameters are held as I would like to edit it to assume say 600 x 400 default / minimum screen size? The prefernces option neither seems to define where a preferences file is located nor to offer the option to set the default & minimum screen sizes. I have already modified the Arduino IDE in a similar manner to run on the PI 3 B with 7″ lcd screen.Any input would be much appreciated.ThanksPeter.
I started on the large main frame Univac computers 1107 -1108. Then the Intel 8080 single board systems. Next the Altair sn102.Program in machine Language to make every thing work just right.Each machine would have an instruction set.
Some time we had compiler for the Asm and other times we wrote our own.So I now have a Raspberry Pi.1 Seems like it should be easy. But can not locate a full list of the instruction set.2 The IDE’s are many but which one supports machine instruction’s and edit code and debug.3 Where does one go to find some help for the starting of things.4 My cpu platform is Windows 7 PC system.Thank You for any help you might direct me to.