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Pop Up Blocker Download Torch


Pop-ups are usually very annoying and not only increase the usage of hardware (CPU, RAM), but also cover current content that we want to read and sometime may install malware.If there are popups in new windows, probably you are visiting a low quality site or a hacked site, because these popups are from the old school of web. One category of popups that i don’t like are that that appears on the same page, technically they open through a JavaScript code inside the same page and not in a new window. This is the new generations of popups, often contain advertisements, newsletter subscriptions etc.Few years ago, antivirus programs had a special module for blocking pop-ups, but these days the job is done by browsers.Web browsers are great in blocking popups in new windows and this feature is enabled by default.

  1. Google Pop-up Blocker Download
Adblock for torch browser

Google Pop-up Blocker Download

Hi David,As you are willing to disable the pop-up blocker in Windows 10, we will help you with this issue.Do let us know the browser you are using to block the pop-ups?For Internet Explorer:. Open Internet Explorer and click on the Tools/ Settings button at the top right corner of the window. Click on Internet Options. Go to Privacy tab, uncheck Turn on Pop-up Blockerto disable the functionality. If you want to choose which websites to allow and still keep the blocker functionality, click'Pop-up Blocker Settings' instead.For Microsoft Edge refer to:Hope it helps.


Reply to the post for further assistance on blocking the pop-ups, we will be happy to help you.Thank you.