Hi,Are there any good London VFR textures for FS2004 because I can't find any that are compatible with FS2004. I just want a nice VFR around Heathrow and I would like to see the M25 motorway on the approach. Are there any for FS2004?Thank YouHi!Your best option would be the payware Visual Flight London, which is available as a download and which provides very good autogen type scenery of the city of London although this does not extend out as far as Heathrow itself. If you want to see the M25 or M4 on approach then you could use the Horizon VFR Photographic Scenery for South East England, which I use but it is very dull and fairly low definition photographic scenery and nothing like the quality of Megascenery or France VFR scenery. A better alternative might be to use Ultimate Terrain Europe combined with something like Ground Environment (or the more recent Ground Texture Plus from Simview) both of which will enhance the textures significantly and give a very realistic simulation.Hope this helps,Bill.
No it's all originally FS2004 stuff. Just happens to work in FSX as well.Hi again!Well it was a little bit of an effort to install it. But I have to say that the Shepsshed autogen makes a real difference to the Horizon VFR Photoscenery particularly in the London area and complements the VF London Scenery quite well! Certainly in the London area I would say things start to approach the standard of France VFR scenery (which for me is the FS2004 gold standard for addon scenery). I've also added the available Shepshed Wales and UK Midlands scenery areas and they are a definite improvement although they seem to be mainly trees and lack the extra buildings autogen which is present around Heathrow which is a pity.
It certainly would be great if more autogen addons like these were available for other areas of the UK, although Shep does not appear to have produced any recently. I was almost at the point of uninstalling my Horizon VFR Photoscenery as it seemed so dull and lifeless but this has given it a new lease of life! Thank you for making us aware of this and to 'Shep' for the freeware!Bill.