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Norton Ghost 12 Dos Version Check


This little tutorial here will show you how to make a bootable USB with Norton Ghost. Why would you want to do that? Norton Ghost is a disk cloning and backup tool that is useful for all sort of emulations and disk creating. We’re going to use a few tools specifically designed which will make the process really easy.First of all, you’re going to need Format USB, which you can get. Second, we’ll be getting USBOOT Norton Ghost from.Get the files from the archive in the usual manner and place the folders in a convenient space where you can easily access them.Now open Format USB by right clicking and selecting ” Run as administrator “, which may require you to input your password.Now let me get you a few screen caps to get started. After opening the Format USB tool select FAT32 format, check format device, also check create a DOS start up disk and select from the browser the USB Norton Ghost ” Boot ” folder.

Windows cannot run from a CD / DVD, and since you need a fully enabled windows to install software like this and drivers, like any windows software, it will only run under windows normal mode, not safe mode. You might be interested to know that windows safe mode can be gotten to run from a DVD, but that is it. It will be interesting to see if Ghost 12 finally solves the problems of previous ghosts, like not getting all the system files, having problems with SIDs, being able to restore correctly without a floppy boot with a defunct windows setup, and not scrambling partitions, and other problems, as in previous versions of ghost. It will be interesting to see if Ghost 12 finally solves the problems of previous ghosts, like not getting all the system files, having problems with SIDs, being able to restore correctly without a floppy bootWith Ghost 12, you boot from the Ghost Recovery CD, not a floppy boot. I've restored Windows XP (using Ghost 10) systems, and Windows Vista (using Ghost 12) without any problems with system files, SID, etc.Scrathcyboy may be referring to enterprise deployment of an image with Ghost 12. Ghost 12 is a consumer product, and requires one purchase license for each consumer pc. Perhaps he is referring to Ghost Solution Suite 2.0 which is the enterprise server version of Ghost for central management of corporate images and pc's.

Symantec ghost 11.5 windows 10

I believe he is correct, although I am trying to stay away from Solution Suite 2.0 or Altiris' version True Image as they both cost a lot of money. For some reason I cannot get the Solution Suite to work properly either, but I could pose that as a different question on the form if I need to. I saw briefly that Ghost 9 or 10 has been done in either a BartPE or WinPE environment, just not sure on the directions. I would do Ghost 8 as it has been done successfully with BartPE and it is part of what you download. I know the legalities of having only one license for each workstation you use it on.

I was just wondering if it was possible to do. The closest thing I came up with that couple possibly work is to modify the Ghost 8 plugin and hopefully it will work with Ghost 12, which I have not been able to see doing other research online. Being able to install other applications besides ghost, such as Office, Anti-Virus Software, etc. Would be helpful. There are other various applications I wouldn't mind having integrated into something like BartPE.I have not found anything out there that is a Live CD of XP. I have seen Linux Distro's that have Live CD's. If anyone knows about creating a Live CD of XP I would be willing to go that route as well.Thanks.

I was just wondering if it was possible to do.I don't think it is possible to do, but I'll welcome hearing from anyone who says it actually has been done. Ghost 12 is really an online backup solution with more and more of the logic dependent upon running within XP and Vista. Ghost 12 no longer even works with Windows 2000 so you can see the direction Symantec is taking the Ghost product.Acronis True Image has a true offline backup solution as well as online backup. The Acronis boot cd is linux based and the full functions of backup are present in the Acronis True Image 11 online and offline (boot) environment. Maybe that is closer to what you want. I have to admit when/if one is in the tech support field, it is nice to take a complete image backup without boot the problem pc, and doing it before you modify the pc by installing new software, just for the purpose of taking a backup.Hope this helps.

Both the new Acronis and new Ghost have boot CDs to boot if the system dies, and they can get the image from the network, that much is certain. But they must be installed first to then make a bootable CD.If you check the links I gave you, several of them mention putting the Ghost 9 plugin on a PE CD, and it works fine, as does 8. I didn't find any references to doing this with 10, so I think 9 was the end of it.

I think with ghost, after 10, the boot CD had to be ghost, not Bart PE. Hope that helps. I am trying to accomplish this by getting the image across the network, which is what originally stimulated the question.


Ghost For Dos Download

For some reason my floppy's get stuck when I try to add network capabilities. This is through DOS and not windows when I am trying this, as ghost 2003 does. I would go with something like symantec solution suite 2.0 or acronis True Image 11 if i could get either of them to work. The acronis documentation doesn't seem to go through everything in order to set it up and I have had nothing but problems trying to setup the solution suite.If anyone has any insight that would be helpful.Thanks.