Metin2 is one of the classical MMORPG games. Metin2 was created in 2005 in Korea, and shortly was developed in Europe. Metin2 is available in 16 countries. Metin2 have own currency, called,yang'. Yang allow us to buy new items, improvements weapons and trade with another players. There's many ways to earning yang. You can kill mobs, sell items, doing quests, use Yang Hack. Exactly, updating Metin2 Yang Hack (2013 edition) is a new generation software, which adds virtual money to your character. You'll need only type your character's nickname and amount of yang.
After that program will start working.How to download:To download this file, you must click on,download' button. After that you'll see a few simple surveys, you'll need to complete one of them to unlock downloading and you'll get Yang Hack.
Advantages. Works both server side and client side. If item is removed from inventory or unequipped it will stay same upgrade lvl. You can make lots of +9 items and sell and make lots of yangs/gold this is how most rich players make yang/gold in metin2. The only thing wrong with this hack is that it will only make your items appear +9 including the stats! But when you use them, it will have same effect as its original upgrade level. So best thing to do is make +9 items and sell.
works well with other hacks. auto install and easy to use.
this is current and latest version of metin2 +9 hack, v3.2 will update when new version come. If you have questions then post here at FAQ or as comment below. Instructions on how to use metin2 +9 item hack:.
Download metin2 +9 item hack from link below. Install Metin2/register an account. Extract the hack in the Metin2 folder. Run your metin2 client, use window mode so you can easily switch between the hack and the game. Open the metin2 +9 item hack file, install it. Go to metin2 game, remove all items. Only put the item which you want to make +9. Remember it don’t work on all item at one time, so use only 1 item at a time.
Then go to the metin2 +9 item hack screen and select your item type from the drop down menu. Ex- if you want to +9 a lion slayer then click weapons – warriors– lion slayer. After that the hack will scan the code on your client and look for the item your using on your character. Once the code appears, click the “Make it +9″ button. This will change the code and the item will be +9!